Become A part of the ‘ads’ community
There are many reasons, both personal and professional that would lead someone to request to become a part of the ‘ADS’ Community. Please complete the information below so that we can ensure that you receive the information that you need.
We kindly ask anyone under the age of 18 to please visit our ‘ADS’ Youth Support page.
‘ADS’ Membership
Full membership of Alzheimers Dementia Support ‘ADS’, is granted to everyone who may require the assistance of our specialist Team. All ‘ADS’ Members have full access to Information Guidance, Support and use of our wide range of Services for as long as they wish.
‘ADS’ reserves the right to revoke membership in extreme circumstances and will only take this course of action in the event of our ‘ADS’ Charity name and/or Logos being used without the express permission of Charity’s Senior Management. Additionally, should any Member of our Team be the subject of abuse or any Service be used for purposes other than in the direct interests of People living with Dementia, their Carers and Families within our Community, membership will similarly be revoked.